Novel energy management frameworks for energy storage devices and distributed solar generation
I am glad to say that as result of an amazing collaboration work with Ph.D. candidate Faeza Hafiz and professors Iqbal Husain and Poria Fajri two new journal papers were published in the last few days. The first one on the technical journal Applied Energy from Elsevier proposes a novel energy management framework and energy storage sizing for a community composed of multiple houses and distributed solar generation. A multi-stage stochastic program model is designed to minimize community electricity purchase costs and to support decision-making by creating control policies for energy management. The second paper was published in the IEEE Electrification Magazine and talks about challenges and solutions for coordinated control at the residential level in modern power systems with the increasing deployment of solar energy, storage and plug-in electric vehicles. Congrats to my colleagues and especially to Faeza Hafiz (first author in both papers) that is heating up her engines for her Ph.D. defense (12/04/2018) at the FREEDM system center at North Carolina State University.