Contracting wind-photovoltaic projects in power systems, a method to support decision-making in long-term energy auctions

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What a great day at the IEEE PES GM in Portland OR. Early In the morning we were able to participate in the Panel Session about Big Data Analytics for flexible Electricity Networks, Markets and Prosumers, where I gave a talk about Data Analytics to Improve Wind and Hydro Coordination under the Threat of Climate Change. This was a joint work originated from the master’s research of Nayana Scherner. There were great other talks in this session chaired by prof Tao Hong, such as his in the topic about opportunities for Energy Analytics professionals. Later in the day other great topics were discussed in the conference such as the 100% penetration of renewables as well as future possibilities for electricity markets under potential new environments with zero marginal cost. imgpaper42

Download the presentation slides here